QHHS First Day of School Questions?
We Can Help!
Need Help with Enrollment or PowerSchool?
Azlin Lopez - Guidance Clerk alopez@avhsd.org
Esmeralda Aguilar eaguilar@avhsd.org
Nicole Pratt - Pupil Service Technician restrada@avhsd.org
Renaye Estrada Pinto - Pupil Service Technician restrada@avhsd.org
Need Help with Google Classroom?
Students with Google account issues can visit the Library for help.
Need to Change Your Schedule?
Diana Aguirre (A-Bur) daguirre@avhsd.org
Gretchen Vidal (Bus-Gen, AVID) gvidal@avhsd.org
Dana Roth (Ceo-Fox) droth@avhsd.org
Shelly Ryan (Foy-Hou) sryan@avhsd.org
Latisha Sampson (Hov-Mam) lsampson@avhsd.org
Vila Kongpatchith (Man-Om) vkongpatchith@avhsd.org
Jacqueline Gamez (On-Sak) jmgamez@avhsd.org
Larry Queen (Sal-Sta, QHTV) lqueen@avhsd.org
Jeff Tepper (Stb-Z) jtepper@avhsd.org
Have Questions for the Health Office (Immunizations, Medications, PE Activity Guides, etc.)?
Sarah Lopez slopez@avhsd.org
Diana Davis DDavis@avhsd.org
Have Special Education Questions?
Robert Watts rwatts@avhsd.org
Have English Learner Questions?
Jasmine Silva jnsilva@avhsd.org
Have IB Questions?
Shannon Flannery sflannery@avhsd.org
Dr. Steven Reti sreti@avhsd.org
Have Questions AVID Questions?
Kathy Kavanagh kkavanagh@avhsd.org
Have Questions About Sports?
Gizelle Solis gsolis@avhsd.org
Aaron Kavanagh akavanagh@avhsd.org
Have Questions About Activities?
Tiffany Recinos trecinos@avhsd.org
Have Questions for Food Services?
AVUHSD-Food Services www.avfood.org
Bulletin/PA Announcements
The QHHS Bulletin will be available on PowerSchool under “Daily Bulletin”. Announcements for the bulletin must be submitted via email to trecinos@avhsd.org or to the Activities Secretary no later than 10 AM of the day prior to the next bulletin. PA Announcements are broadcast during 2nd period.
Bus Rules
Students living outside the 3-mile radius of QHHS have the option of bus transportation to and from school. Parent will need to contact District transportation personnel prior to start of school to make arrangements and to pay fees. Students transported in school buses shall be under the authority and responsible directly to the driver of the bus. Continued disorderly conduct or persistent refusals to submit to the authority of the driver may result in suspension or expulsion from bus transportation and similar school discipline. Contact transportation at 945-3621 if you have any further questions.
Class Interruptions
Parents and students are reminded that items for students, such as birthday gifts are not to be brought onto campus or to be in the possession of any student. These items include, but are not limited to balloons, flowers, etc. Board Policy 6116 prohibits bringing unnecessary items onto campus, as they are disruptive to the learning process. WE WILL NOT ACCEPT OR DELIVER THEM.
Computer Lab Located in Library
The open access computer lab in room 205 is open from 7:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. Students may use the lab before school, at snack and lunch unless it is reserved by a class. Students wishing to have access to the Internet must have a signed Internet Use Agreement on file and present their student ID card properly stamped for Internet use. This agreement should have been completed during the registration process. Students may print up to ten pages of school work daily in Computer Lab 205. After ten pages, there will be a $.10 fee per page.
Free/Reduced Lunch Program
The application is included in the District’s online enrollment application package. There is a link that will take you to the online application to apply for meal benefits for your students. Applications are accepted after July 1 for the 2022/2023 school year. If you prefer to apply directly the link is www.avfood.org, if you have questions or need help, you may contact AVUHSD-Food Services at 44809 Beech Avenue, Lancaster, CA 93534, 661-575-1051 or 661-5751055.
Prepaid Meals and Money on account
Food Services also offers an online system to prepay for meals or put money on account for your students at www.myschoolbucks.com. For both programs the student uses their school-issued ID card.
ID Cards
All students will be issued a QHHS photo ID Card at the beginning of the school year. AVUHSD Board Policy requires that all students wear their ID Card at all times during the school day and at school events (AR 5132). The ID badge is to be worn around the neck on a school-approved lanyard. If the student ID Card is lost/stolen, there is a $5 replacement charge. Students should pay for their replacement ID Card in the Student Store. Students without ID Cards are subject to disciplinary action, as follows: 1st, 2nd and 3rd offense: After School Work; 4th and 5th offense: Saturday School; 6th and 7th offense: 1 day suspension (on campus); 8 or more offenses: off campus suspension.
The QHHS library offers a multiple range of opportunities for students: study, research, leisure reading, instruction in computer use, and tutoring. Student ID cards are needed to check out all library books. Students with overdue books or material will lose check-out privileges until all books and material are returned and fines paid. No food or drink is allowed in the library and a quiet atmosphere is expected. Students may print up to ten pages of school work daily in the Library. After ten pages, there will be a $.10 fee per page. Students wishing to have access to the Internet must have a signed Internet Use Agreement on file and present their student ID card properly stamped for Internet use. This agreement should have been completed during the registration process. The Library is open Monday through Friday, from 7:40 a.m. to 4:45 p.m.
There are a limited number of lockers available to students on the following basis:
- Students who have physical disabilities.
- Students with temporary disabilities/injuries, i.e., broken limbs, may be issued a locker during the duration of injury with verification of date of medical release.
- Students with other medical problems who have a doctor’s verification.
Contact the Director of Security to obtain a locker.
Lost and Found
All losses should be reported to the Security Office. Articles found in and around school may be turned into the Security Office. Quartz Hill High is not responsible for lost or stolen items.
Messages may be delivered to students through the Administration Office only in cases of emergency. Students may not use office telephones except in an emergency and with permission of a staff member.
Parent Volunteers
To become a volunteer at QHHS, pick up a Volunteer Packet from the Principal's Secretary. After completing the packet, return it to the Principal’s Secretary with a copy of your current TB test results and a copy of your driver’s license attached. Once processed, you will be contacted by the District Office to schedule a Livescan fingerprint appointment. There is a $32 fee for fingerprinting, which must be paid with a cashier’s check or money order only (no cash or personal checks accepted). Once your Livescan has cleared, the AVUHSD Board of Trustees must approve you as a volunteer and you will be notified. Parent volunteers are needed and welcomed at QHHS! Parents and grandparents can get involved in the areas of photo copying, assisting teachers, registration, sporting events, mailings, Attendance Office, Guidance Office, special events, and in the library.
Participation Requirements for Graduation Exercises
- Meet graduation requirements one week prior to graduation exercises.
- Student may NOT be on suspension during the time of graduation exercises.
- Complete student Clearance procedure:
- paying student financial obligations
- returning textbooks and library books
- Attend all graduation practices.
- Comply with all graduation and school rules during practice and graduation.
- Students must wear the blue or gold cap and gown purchased during the current school year and comply with appearance and dress code standard established by the Board of Education and QHHS Dress Code Standards.
- NOTE *Seniors are advised that participation in graduation ceremonies is a privilege, not a right. Students are responsible for their behavior during the school day and at school activities. Therefore, students who violate school policy or rules may forfeit participation in all graduation related activities, including commencement.
Requirement for Valedictorian – students must meet district qualifications on scholastic aptitude and citizenship. Students can be denied valedictorian status based on lack of integrity, honesty, and character.
P.E. Clothes
All students attending physical education classes must wear some type of work-out garments. QHHS P.E. shirts and shorts are available for purchase during registration and are on sale daily at the Student Store, located in the 100 Quad. Students should confirm with their PE teacher the appropriate uniform to wear.
P.E. Lockers
Parents are highly encouraged to purchase a high quality, heavy-duty lock for P.E. lockers. It has been determined that inexpensive locks are easily compromised resulting in theft. Students should not share lockers or give their combination to other students. A limited number of locks are available for purchase in the Student Store.
Recording Devices
The legislature finds that the use by any person, including a pupil, of any electronic listening or recording device in any classroom without the prior consent of the teacher and the principal of the school given to promote an educational purpose disrupts and impairs the teaching process and discipline and such use is prohibited. Any person, other than a pupil, who willfully violates this Ed. Code section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. Any pupil violating this section shall be subject to appropriate disciplinary action.
School Hours
The Regular School Day is from 8:45 AM to 3:40 PM. Tuesdays are Flex Days; hours are from 8:45 AM to 2:40 PM for students. Students are expected to attend assigned classes every day. If students are not involved in after- school sponsored activities, they are expected to leave campus at the close of the school day.
Selling Items
California Education Code 51520(a) prohibits students from selling any items on campus during the school day for personal gain. Only items approved by the Associated Student Body Board of Control as part of a club-sponsored fundraiser may be sold during the school day. Students violating Ed Code are subject to discipline.
Senior Off-Campus Privilege
Seniors who meet the following requirements may obtain an application from the Activities Office.
- Seniors must have signed parent/guardian permission form on file.
- Seniors must have attained senior status – 170 credits at the beginning of the fall semester or 200 credits at the beginning of the spring semester.
- Seniors must have a 3.0 cumulative grade point average for their entire high school career.
- Seniors must have a good attendance record and no unresolved disciplinary action.
The senior off-campus lunch pass is a privilege and may be revoked if a student does not comply with the above requirements. The above criteria must be met at the beginning of both semesters in order to retain this privilege. Seniors are to use the lunch gates for exiting and entering campus for lunch privileges.
Student Item Drop Off
Parents may leave school related items at the switchboard for students to pick up. Items may not have monetary value. It is the responsibility of the student to see if anything has been dropped off. Office staff will not call students out of class or notify them that an item has been received. Items may not be retrieved during class time. QHHS takes no responsibility for items left for students.
Student Parking & Driving
Students must park in designated student parking areas only. Students are not allowed to park in visitor parking, faculty/staff parking, next to curbs, including curbs painted red or yellow. Bicycles and scooters must be parked in the designated area beside the Administration Building. For safety reasons, bikes, scooters, and skateboards may not be ridden on campus.
Vehicles must be driven in a responsible manner in campus parking lots. Irresponsible driving will not be tolerated. This includes speeding, racing, burning tires and/or illegal turns. Motor vehicle related violations will result in a citation from the L.A. County Sheriff Department with a loss of parking privileges on campus and possible suspension.
The parking lot is for parking of student cars only. AVUHSD assumes no responsibility for theft or damage. In an effort to protect students’ cars and other possessions:
- Students are not allowed in parking lots during break/lunch or any class period.
- Students found in parking lots during class time or break will receive disciplinary action.
- Loitering in the parking lot when the school day is complete is not permitted.
- Vehicles must be parked legally and in designated areas only.
Students are responsible for all textbooks that are checked out to them and should examine all textbooks they receive. If ripped pages or graffiti are found, it should be reported to the clerk within one week of checking them out. Otherwise, the student will be charged for the damage. Students should not leave their textbooks in their teachers’ classrooms as they may get lost or stolen. Textbooks are due the last day of school by 12:30 p.m. Any books turned in after that time will be considered late. There will be a $5 late fee per textbook. A replacement fee will be charged for any lost, stolen or damaged textbooks or school materials.
Visitors to Classrooms
No visitors are allowed during the school hours unless they have an appointment with a specific teacher. All visitors must register at the Switchboard showing a picture ID before entering campus. Loitering on school property to roller skate, skateboard, etc., is against school policy and existing municipal codes.