Antelope Valley School District

Staff Resources

Here are the new Student and Teacher Resources - ProQuest

Teacher login information was emailed to you individually by Dan Stewart

CultureGrams – Concise cultural information on countries around the world.


eLibrary – General reference aggregation of periodical and digital media content with editorial guidance for novice researchers.  Two unique interfaces available.

Access:  or

ProQuest Central Student – Millions of articles from more than 10,000 full-text scholarly journals.


SIRS Discoverer – Selected content for novice researchers, especially elementary and middle school students and educators.


SIRS Issues Researcher – Curriculum-aligned database of content organized by complex issues, ideally for middle and high school students and educators.


ProQuest Research Companion – Information literacy tools and tutorials to help develop critical thinking.


School & Educators Complete – eBook subscription database (over 12,000 titles) to support multiple subject areas (English Language Arts, Science, Math, Social Studies, Health, Physical Education, Information Literacy and Technology).

Product training and information

For help getting started, there are a variety of resources to assist you, including:

·          Live and recorded training webinars

·          LibGuides for up-to-date information specific to the California State Library products.

·          ProQuest product tools and resources


Teacher - How to Report an Absence

Log on to or call Aesop at 800-942-3767 to report your absence and obtain a sub. Your username and password come directly from the District – you should have received them by either District email or District mail. If you do not have your log-in information, please contact Karen Lindaman at 661-948-7655, ext. 222 or

The Aesop system has an easily accessible option to upload any sub instructions. You can also email your lesson plans to Desiree at fax them to 661-945-8867, or tell her where they are located in your classroom. If you cannot send your lesson plans by email, please call Desiree after 6:30am to alert her of your absences and to provide your class instructions. Her voicemail is available 24 hours per day.

Classified - How to Report an Absence

• All absences should be reported, whether your position requires a sub or not, as follows:

Log on to or call Aesop at 800-942-3767 to report your absence and obtain a sub. Your username and password come directly from the District – you should have received them by either District email or District mail. If you do not have your log-in information, please contact Karen Lindaman at 661-948-7655, ext. 222 or

The Aesop system is accessible 24 hours per day. If there is any issue with the system and you cannot report your absence, or an emergency occurs after the 6:30am reporting deadline, please email Desiree at or leave a message on her voicemail at 661-948-8552, x108. Her voicemail is available 24 hours per day. Please also notify your direct supervisor of your absence if not reported to Aesop. 


Click the links below to access AVID resources: