Antelope Valley School District

Graduation Requirements


Graduation Requirements 

Instruction BP 6146.1 (a)


The Governing Board desires to prepare each student to obtain a diploma of high school graduation in order to provide students with opportunities for postsecondary education and/or employment.

(cf. 0420.3 - School-Based Student Motivation and Maintenance Program)

(cf. 5123 - Promotion/Acceleration/Retention)

(cf. 5127 - Graduation Ceremonies and Activities)

(cf. 5147 - Dropout Prevention)

(cf. 5149 - At-Risk Students)

(cf. 6164.2 - Guidance/Counseling Services)

Course Requirements

To obtain a diploma of graduation from high school, students shall complete at least the following courses in grades 9-12, with each course being one year unless otherwise specified: (Education Code 51225.3)

1. Four courses in English (40 credits ) .

(cf. 6142.91 - Reading/Language Arts Instruction)

2. Three courses in mathematics (30 credits).

Beginning in the 2003-04 school year, at least one mathematics course, or a combination of the threemathematics courses required for completion in grades 9-12, shall meet or exceed state academic content standards for Algebra I. Completion of algebra coursework in grades 7-8 shall not exempt a student from the requirements to complete three mathematics courses in grades 9-12. (Education Code 51224.5)

(cf. 6011 - Academic Standards)

(cf. 6142.92 - Mathematics Instruction)

3. Two courses in science, including biological and physical sciences (20 credits).

(cf. 6142.93 - Science Instruction)


4. Three courses in social studies, including United States history and geography, world history, culture and geography; a one-semester course in American government and civics; and a one-semester course in economics (30 credits).

5. One course in visual or performing arts, foreign language or American Sign Language (10 credits).

Instruction BP 6146.1 (b)


(cf. 6142.6 - Visual and Performing Arts Education)

6. Two courses in physical education, unless the student has been exempted pursuant to Education Code 51241 (20 credits), and;

(cf. 6142.7 - Physical Education)

7. One course in health (10 credits).

Credit Requirement

The total minimum credits required to obtain a diploma is 230 credits.


Because the prescribed course of study may not accommodate the needs of some students, the Board shall provide alternative means for the completion of prescribed courses in accordance with law.

(cf. 6146.11 - Alternative Credits Toward Graduation)

(cf. 6146.2 - Certificate of Proficiency/High School Equivalency)

Standards of Proficiency for Classes Prior to 2006

To receive a high school diploma, district students prior to the class of 2006 also must achieve at least minimum proficiency in reading comprehension, and mathematics. The Board shall adopt proficiency standards in these areas and any others it deems appropriate. All adopted proficiency standards shall correspond with the goals of the course of study required for graduation.

(cf. 6011 – Academic Standards)

Students shall be assessed in the approved proficiency standards annually in grades ten and eleven. Students who have not passed all areas of the proficiency tests by the twelfth grade shall be reassessed with a different test as frequently as deemed appropriate.

Any student who does not receive a diploma because of failure to meet proficiency requirements shall later be awarded a diploma by the district, without taking additional coursework, if the student subsequently passes the district proficiency tests.

Remedial instruction shall be provided to any student who does not show adequate progress toward mastery of basic skills. This instruction may be provided through Supplemental Instruction and shall offer the student numerous opportunities to achieve mastery.

Instruction BP 6146.1 (c)


(cf. 6177- Summer School)

(cf. 6146.4 - Differential Graduation and Competency Standards for Students with Disabilities)

(cf. 6159 - Individualized Education Program)

(cf. 6176 - Weekend/Saturday Classes)

(cf. 6177 - Summer School)

(cf. 6179 - Supplemental Instruction)

Transfer Students

The governing board does not intend that these requirements should cause undue hardship on transfer students who are unable to comply with the requirements because of insufficient time. The principal may waive limited aspects of local graduation requirements (e.g. a full year of healthful living) which were not required by the student’s previous school, if the curriculum of the previous school substantially satisfied requirements of a California public high school. 

Legal Reference:


37252 Supplemental instructional programs

48430 Continuation education schools and classes

48980 Notification of parent/guardian

51224 Skills and knowledge required for adult life

51224.5 Algebra instruction

51225.3 Requirements for graduation

51225.5 Honorary diplomas; foreign exchange students

51228 Graduation requirements

51230 American government and civics

51241-51246 Exemptions from requirements

51410-51412 Diplomas

51420-51427 High school equivalency certificates

51450-51455 Golden State Seal Merit Diploma

60850-60859 High school exit exam

Instruction BP 6146.1(d)


66204 Certification of high school courses as meeting university admissions criteria


1600-1651 Graduation of pupils from grade 12 and credit toward graduation

Management Resources:





Policy adopted: November 13, 1990 Lancaster ,California

Policy revised: May 2, 2001; May 15, 2002; February 4, 2004; February 4, 2009

Instruction AR 6146.1(a)


Requirements for graduation and specified alternative means for completing the prescribed course of study shall be made available to students, parents/guardians and the public. (Education Code 51225.3)

(cf. 6146.11 - Alternative Credits toward Graduation)

(cf. 6146.2 - Certificate of Proficiency/High School Equivalency)

Students shall not be required to have resided within the district for any minimum length of time as a condition of high school graduation. (Education Code 51411)

Students who successfully complete requirements of the specific career academies shall have an appropriate notation added to the transcript.

The district may retroactively grant a high school diploma to a former student who was interned by order of the federal government during World War II or who is an honorably discharged veteran of World War II, the Korean War, or the Vietnam War, provided that he/she was enrolled in a district school immediately preceding the internment or military service and he/she did not receive a diploma because his/her education was interrupted due to the internment or military service. (Education Code 51430)

Implementation procedures for graduation requirements including alternative means are included in the Board adopted Credits, Grades and Marking Manual. (cf. Board policy 6146.1- High School Graduation Requirements.)

Golden State Diploma

Students who meet the following requirements shall be awarded the Golden State Seal Merit Diploma:

1. Completes all requirements for a high school diploma, and;

2. Demonstrates a mastery of the curriculum in at least six subject matter areas, four of which shall be mathematics, English language arts, science, and United States history, with the remaining two subject matter areas selected by the student. (Education Code 51450 , 51451 )

(cf. 5126 - Awards for Achievement)

International Baccalaureate Diploma

Students who meet the following requirements shall be awarded the International Baccalaureate Diploma:

Instruction AR 6146.1(b)


1. Successfully completes examinations in the six curricular areas of Language A (English), Language B (French or Spanish), Individuals and Societies, Experimental Sciences, Mathematics, and the sixth Subject Option.

2. Successfully completes the class, Theory of Knowledge, which includes a work of independent research.

(cf. 5145.6 - Parental Notifications)

(cf. 6162.5 – Student Assessment)

(cf. 5123 - Promotion/Acceleration/Retention)

(cf. 6177 - Summer School)


Regulation approved: May 2, 2001 Lancaster ,California

Regulation revised: February 4, 2004; May 4, 2005; February 4, 2009