College and Career Center
College Presentations
College Presentation sign-ups for QHHS students can be found in their Google Classroom Homeroom
- Log in to your Student Google account
- Click the Google Apps (waffle) Icon on the top-right of the page
- Click the Classroom app
FASTWEB 2023-2024 Calendar for high school students
SAT/ACT Fee Waiver Request Form 2024-2025 (Print & complete)
The Free Application for Federal Student Aid
California Dream Act Application
FAFSA Dependency
Cal Grant Opt Out Form (Spanish)
Cal Grant Opt Out Form
Student Brag-Profile Sheet
California Education Code 69432.9, requires that parents/guardians of 11th grade students be notified of options regarding the Cal Grant submission process, prior to January 1st. Each grade 11 pupil will be deemed a Cal Grant applicant unless the parent/guardian of the pupil opts out. Students/parents who do not opt out, will have their name, date of birth and GPA submitted to the California Student Aid Commission (CSAC) in the fall of their senior year. This information will be later matched to the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) that is submitted by the student/parent during the senior year.
Cal Grant Awards are free money provided by the State of California to help pay for the cost of college. When your child is a graduating high school senior that meets academic, financial and eligibility requirements, you/your student may qualify to receive a Cal Grant. Cal Grants can be used at any University of California, California State University or California Community College. Some independent and career colleges or technical schools in California also take Cal Grants. For more information about the Cal Grant, please visit
To be considered for a Cal Grant Award, two items are required:
- Submission by AVUHSD of a verified Grade Point Average (GPA) to the California Student Aid Commission (CSAC) by October 1 of the student’s 12th grade school year.
- Submission by the student/parent of the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) in their senior year at
If you choose to opt out of the Cal Grant submission, your child may be ineligible to receive grant monies for college. If you would like to opt out of the Cal Grant submission, you must select the opt out request option in your PowerSchool Parent Portal during the data confirmation process before September 15th of the student’s junior year.
California Education Code (CEC) § 51225.7 requires school districts to confirm that each 12th grade student completes and submits a FAFSA or CADAA. Students may opt-out, but must complete an opt-out form. If opting out, the form must be completed by a legal guardian/parent, the student (if the student is a legally emancipated minor or who is 18 years or older), or the District on the student’s behalf.
Please contact our school site College and Career Center for a copy of the Opt-Out form.
Submitting a Financial Aid Application Opt-Out Form does not prohibit a student from completing and submitting a financial aid application at any time in the future.“
Antelope Valley Bridge Counseling & QHHS Guidance Department Working Together to Assist with the Following:
AVC Counseling Matriculation Process
Special Admit Process
Dual Enrollment
FAFSA or Dream Act Applications
WHERE: In the Library
Tuesdays 7:45 AM - 8:30 AM
Thursdays 7:45 AM - 8:30 AM and 3:45 pm - 4:50 pm
For more information contact Ms. Aguirre at
661-718-3100 Ext. 7 or via email at
Military Recruiter Information
Federal Student Aid Information Booklets
FINANCIAL AID APPLICATIONS ARE NOW PROCESSED FROM OCTOBER 1 - MARCH 2 EVERY YEAR by going to: (DO NOT USE A .com address. These charge money and are unnecessary.)
Best Colleges & Careers:
College Preparation Checklist:
Comparing Colleges:
Not sure what college or Career school might be right for you?:
Scholarships for Military Families:
Federal Student Loan Programs:
Education and Training Vouchers for Current and Former Foster Care Youth
Find and Apply for as many scholarship as you can – it’s free money for college or career school!
The Career Center is open Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. - 4:15 p.m. Students can utilize the Career Center before & after school, during break & lunch, and during class with a pass from their teacher.
There are computers in the College & Career Center that are available to use as a research tool. All computers have Internet capability. The student will need to have an "Internet Agreement" on file and have their ID stamped before using the Internet.
The Career Center is one of our student's greatest resources to research colleges, universities, trade/technical schools, and future career opportunities. As always, students may sign up to attend College presentations at snack, lunch, before or after school.