Winter Ball
Winter Ball 2024
Date: Saturday, February 3
Time: 6:30 - 10:30 p.m.
Where: QHHS Campus
Dress: Semi-formal
Theme: A Starry Night
What's included: Night of dancing, Izzy's Tacos while they last, water & soda, memories for a lifetime!
What's additional: Izzy's Tacos will have 32 oz. Aguas Frescas available for $5
QHHS students only
Purchase Tickets @ Student Store
$35 - General
$30 w/ASB Card
Winter Ball Guidelines:
- No LARGE bags/purses
- Small bags allowed; must be clear, plastic, and no more than 6x8x6 inches in size
- Physical QHHS ID is required for entrance
- No entry to dance one hour past official start time
- Once student enters the dance, they are not permitted to leave and enter again
- PARKING LOT NOTICE : All persons and vehicles entering this area are subject to search and the person in charge of the vehicle consents to the search of the entire vehicle and its contents with or without cause by school officials or law enforcement officers. Search may include all vehicle compartments and containers.
- Consent to Searches: The district provides parking at school sites and at the District office for use by visitors, students and staff. By entering District parking lots, the person in charge of the vehicle acknowledges that bringing a vehicle onto District property constitutes consent to the search of such vehicle and its contents. School officials may also search students, students property (including but not limited to backpacks, purses) or district property under the student's control when there is a reasonable suspicion that search will uncover evidence that the student is violating the law or District policies.